Monday, November 18, 2013

Holiday Hours

Just a quick update for the holiday hours:

Thanksgiving Break.
The Club will be closed the week of Thanksgiving. We have our gym floor screeded (that is a word - taking off the top layer of old varnish and resurfacing) and they use polyurethane which will make your lungs bleed.

Christmas Break.  
I often give my staff the day before Christmas/New Year and the day after Christmas/New Year off so they can travel if necessary. 

With Christmas being on a Wednesday this year, my schedule is a little jacked up. 

The Club will be open on the following days from 7:30am - 5:30pm for $20 per day per child.

December 23, December 27, December 30, January 3, January 6.

Reservations are not required, but are really helpful.
If you do RSVP before December 20, your price will be $12 per day.

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